(top: BKK | jacket: Fabfad | armcandy: left hand BKK // right hand Beadstreet | ring: Colette Hayman | sunnies: Victoria Jomo | shoes: Vans)
I think my shirt pretty much sums it all up. The essential question that weighs on my mind every night of a weekday (Hey, I'm pretty sure other people are guilty of it too)-- what shall I wear tomorrow? I have to admit that this question takes up a much larger portion of my thinking time than do many other questions. I am obviously not the type of person who could pick out anything --even a potato sack-- and still look good in it, so this question comes across as particularly important to me.
I've been in a bit of a slump recently, which basically translates as: I am too lazy to get out of the house and all I want to do is laze around in my house wearing my oldest t-shirt, shorts, and glasses. with the air-conditioning switched on (the weather is blazing hot these days, and you would never catch me wearing a jacket like what I'm wearing in these photos now), a packet of cheesy Doritos in my arms as my only companion, and Empress Ki playing on my laptop screen. (There's just something about sageuks that makes me all swoony on the inside.) I'm sorry to say that I'm something of a slob. But thank goodness I have my daily office job to get me out of the house and into the actual world, where people no longer speak with honorifics, or carry large swords sheathed in gorgeous metal sheaths at their sides, or own gorgeous gold jewelry consisting of enamelled hairpins, filigree statement necklaces and chunky earrings, or wear long, billowing skirts of the most gorgeous jewel tones with gold embroidery.
A pity, the last two things on that list. Now as the clock inches toward striking midnight, please excuse me as I need to go sit in front of my wardrobe (newly packed! But still messy, somehow.) and ponder the essential question.